Saturday, May 08, 2010

No Coolers For You!

Went to make our vodka coolers today but the store forgot to set the carbonation so I'll have to come back tomorrow.

Monday, May 03, 2010

Damn!! Chicago scored.
Canucks and Hawks: 2 all. Can we just have Burrows score and end this thing?

Monday, February 08, 2010

Mom Carries the Torch!

Mom carried the Olympic Torch n Surrey today at the corner of Fraser Highway & 159th Street in Surrey. It was fantastic and there was a huge crowd of people cheering her on.

Afterwards, we tried to join the celebration near Surrey Place Mall, but couldn't get through the throngs of people. A couple took a picture of mom with their toddler, an adorable yellow-haired little girl, who was overwhelmed by all the commotion and started crying. To everyone's surprise, she reached out her arms to Mom and clung on to her for a couple of minutes until we could get the girl's mother to take over. Very cute!














Sunday, October 25, 2009

That Seemed to Work

Now Let’s try double posting

Sunday, January 04, 2009

This is a test

I am trying out Windows Live Writer to see how well it works when posting.


Sunday, September 07, 2008

VMAs 2008: Is It Age or is this "Music" Crap?

I was 'forced' to watch most of the MTV Video Music Awards tonight and I have to say that it was all a load of crap, in my opinion. Crappy performers doing crappy songs on a crappy show. The host was some English comedian with the most god-awful hair I've ever seen and did not have a single funny moment the entire time I watched.

Most of the performers can't even sing and their songs have no memorable qualities to them whatsoever. I thought this was supposed to be awards for the best "music videos" but it's just a big circle jerk for so-called celebrities trying to shill their latest albums and/or movies.

Oh, and I can't stand Kid Rock and his rip-off of Warren Zevon's "Werewolves of London."

Ooh look at me! I'm kewl! (and just about to fall over backwards)